New Patient FormPlease fill out the form below. Name * First Name Last Name Email * Home Phone (###) ### #### Work Phone (###) ### #### Mobile Phone * (###) ### #### Date of Birth * MM DD YYYY Birth Sex Female Male Intersex Gender Identity Pronouns Address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Mailing Address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Medicare Number & Expiry Date Pension Number & Expiry Date DVA Gold / White (circle) Number & Expiry Date Health Care Card Number & Expiry Date Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin? * Yes No If YES, do you consent to registering for Closing the Gap (CTG) with Medicare? Yes No ETHNICITY - Please specify your place of birth Patient Consent * Our practice routinely uses text messages to send appointment reminders and recalls for any follow-up scheduled with your doctor. Please indicate if we can use your mobile number for these purposes: Yes No Consent to use your health information * National Prescribing Service (NPS) clinical audits, and various diseases registers to assist with preventative health management (e.g. cervical, breast and bowel screening), involve the doctor recording information on the treatment prescribed or recommended to patients with a particular illness. Please sign the Patient Consent Statement below if you agree to have your anonymous information used in such studies. Your medical care will not be affected in any way by your decision. If you would like further information about how your health information is used in these studies, please talk to your doctor. I have read and understand the information above, and I agree to have my anonymous information included in the studies described. Allergies * Do you have allergies or are you sensitive to drugs/dressings Yes (list below) No List Allergies & Reaction Parent / Guardian If the patient is under 16 years of age First Name Last Name Relationship to Patient Address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Phone (###) ### #### Thank you!